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Manuta Tunapee Puggalugglia
Publishing House

About Us.

Manuta Tunapee Puggaluggalia Tasmanian Aboriginal Historical Cultural Association and Publishing House comprises a collective of multiskilled and informed people with a committed reconciliation agenda.

We are an independent Tasmanian Aboriginal organisation whose aim is to educate and break down the stereotypes and misconceptions which now prevails within both the Tasmanian community and the broader community. 

In the past, people have been denied access to knowledge about Tasmania's diverse Aboriginal culture and history. The broader community is unaware that there are a number of separate individual Aboriginal communities in Tasmania, which have their own policies and guidelines and publish their own material.

Our aim is to share non-culturally sensitive information with educators and people interested in Tasmania's Traditional Aboriginal past. We offer Tasmanian Aboriginal cultural books, teaching resources, and other material dealing with Australian History and children's books.

Our Staff

Kaye McPherson - (BSc Hons). Cultural historian, and Historical geographer. Kaye is the founder of the publishing house. more

Worrawee - (Emma Wilson) - Emma  is a Tasmanian Aboriginal author who  writes from the perspective of her great-grandmothers view. more

Sue Renadè - is a respected artist with many years experience in a number of mediums and styles. Sue s artistic expertise covers everything from oil paintings, murals, to pen and ink engravings. more

Betty Hill (Dip. Ed)

Betty is a retired teacher who brings over thirty years experience into our education publications. ...more

Janene Hancock (MEd)

Janene has a Bachelor of Education specialising in Early Childhood with a double major in Social Science and Literacy. ...more

Together Betty and Janene have assembled our teaching kits and teaching resources. Together they have been the dominant team members for the teachers resource materials. They combine to bring the best of modern teaching methods with the tried and true methods of the past which encourage children to learn.

Kate Charlesworth (DIP of Cartography and DIP of Library Technician)

Kate is an invaluable member of the team - she is our  proof reader and bibliographer. ..more

Louise Farrell

Louise is a children's writer and historian. Years of experience as a teacher's aide and teaching children to story write have given Louise an insight into what children like. Her belief is that children should enjoy learning and that history can be fun to learn. She understands how obscure snippets of history hold the interest of children, and encourages them to want to know more. When teaching story writing it was always the different and unusual pieces that the children remembered or wanted to know more about. Louise found that it a way of encouraging research skills in the students.

Liz Ernest

Our packaging designer who ensures that our presentation is always in tune with our product. she designs all our packaging, from the display outers used in shops, to the boxes which hold our games.

Dereck Ernest

Our publicity and media specialist. He has many years of experience with his own Video recording business, and now records all the Manuta Tunapee Puggaluggalia's events for our archives. He also records cultural events for the Lia Pootah community It is his talents which have given us our media library.

What We Publish

  • Books about Traditional Tasmanian Aboriginal Cultural History
  • Books on Australian History
  • Poetry
  • Multicultural Children's Stories
  • Academic Books
  • Teaching Kits
  • Games
  • Postcards
  • Blank Cards
Visit our Bookshop for information on these items.


We would like to thank Eric Graudins of WebAngels for his assistance with this site. Take control of your internet business at www.webangels.com.au


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